Sunday, April 11, 2010

This American Life

I'd like for us to begin using "I love you" as a casual greeting. Like to everyone.

Thank you.

UPCOMING: I'M GOING TO SEE THE WHALES IMAX ON TUESDAY. I already saw the Hubble Imax. It was narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, which weirded me out. Why can't everything be narrated by Alec Baldwin?

Real quick, who would you rather have sex with: Jonathan Sanders or Rae Wright?

And, in conclusion, why didn't we blog about Easter 2006 last Sunday? I would just like to reminisce for a moment about that Easter. We got trashed on tequila in your apartment in Waco. And, as pathetic as that sounds it was the best Easter ever. And, then remember how I got sick while you were on the phone with Jake and somehow managed to disrobe and climb into the bathtub but you couldn't find me because I didn't turn on the light? There's a photo of that somewhere.

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